The diverse domains of quantified selves: self-tracking modes and dataveillance

Deborah Lupton

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    The concept of self-tracking has recently begun to emerge in discussions of ways in which people can record specific features of their lives, often using digital technologies, to monitor, evaluate and optimize themselves. There is evidence that the personal data that are generated by the digital surveillance of individuals (dataveillance) are now used by a range of actors and agencies in diverse contexts. This paper examines the ‘function creep’ of self-tracking by outlining five modes that have emerged: private, communal, pushed, imposed and exploited. The analysis draws upon theoretical perspectives on concepts of selfhood, citizenship, dataveillance and the global digital data economy in discussing the wider socio-cultural implications of the emergence and development of these modes of self-tracking.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)101-122
    Number of pages22
    JournalEconomy and Society
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2 Jan 2016


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