The education revolutionary road: paved with good intentions

Carole Kayrooz, Stephen Parker

    Research output: A Conference proceeding or a Chapter in BookChapter


    Kevin Rudd promised an ‘education revolution’, to widespread acclaim and almost no opposition. In this analysis, we argue that Rudd’s education policy was paved with good intentions to redress long-term deficiencies inherited largely from the Howard years. In many respects, however, the policy lacked the strategic and structural blueprint needed to realise its underlying ideals. The lack of a coherent educational framework informed by a deep knowledge of the Australian educational sector created conflicting policy agendas, some confused objectives and a lack of focus. The unexpected advent of the global financial crisis (GFC) precipitated one of the fastest surges of spending on education in Australia’s recent history, but hurried and uncoordinated consultation and implementation processes led to some publicly damaging outcomes. These ultimately played a role in undermining the confidence of the Australian public and also Rudd’s own party. As we enter a new administration headed by Julia Gillard, the former Minister for Education, it remains to be seen whether the education revolution will lead to the fundamental systemic transformation implicit in the word ‘revolution’.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThe Rudd Government: Australian Commonwealth Administration 2007-2010
    EditorsChris Aulich, Mark Evans
    Place of PublicationCanberra, Australia
    PublisherANU E Press
    Number of pages19
    ISBN (Electronic)9781921862076
    ISBN (Print)9781921862069
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


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