The Isometric Midthigh Pull in Basketball: An Effective Predictor of Sprint and Jump Performance in Male, Adolescent Players

Aaron T Scanlan, Neal Wen, Joshua H Guy, Nathan Elsworthy, Michele Lastella, David B Pyne, Daniele Conte, Vincent J Dalbo

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10 Citations (Scopus)


PURPOSE: To examine correlations between peak force and impulse measures attained during the isometric midthigh pull (IMTP) and basketball-specific sprint and jump tests.

METHODS: Male, adolescent basketball players (N = 24) completed a battery of basketball-specific performance tests. Testing consisted of the IMTP (absolute and normalized peak force and impulse at 100 and 250 ms); 20-m sprint (time across 5, 10, and 20 m); countermovement jump (CMJ; absolute and normalized peak force and jump height); standing long jump (distance); and repeated lateral bound (distance). Correlation and regression analyses were conducted between IMTP measures and other attributes.

RESULTS: An almost perfect correlation was evident between absolute peak force attained during the IMTP and CMJ (r = .94, R2 = 56%, P < .05). Moderate to very large correlations (P < .05) were observed between IMTP normalized peak force and 5-m sprint time (r = -.44, R2 = 19%), 10-m sprint time (r = -.45, R2 = 20%), absolute (r = .57, R2 = 33%), normalized (r = .86, R2 = 73%) CMJ peak force, and standing long-jump distance (r = .51, R2 = 26%). Moderate to very large correlations were evident between impulse measures during the IMTP and 5-m sprint time (100 ms, r = -.40, R2 = 16%, P > .05) and CMJ absolute peak force (100 ms, r = .73, R2 = 54%; 250 ms, r = .68, R2 = 47%; P < .05).

CONCLUSIONS: The IMTP may be used to assess maximal and rapid force expression important across a range of basketball-specific movements.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)409–415
Number of pages7
JournalInternational Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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