The species concept in Euglena in the light of DNA polymorphism analyses

Bozena Zakrys, Ireneusz Moraczewski, Robert KUCHARSKI

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The results of Randomly Amplified Pollmorphic DNA (RAPD) and Restriction Fragment Length Polyrnorphism GFLP) analyses revealed a high degree ofDNA pollrnorphism among clones representing five species: Euglena gracilis Krnss, E. mutabilis Scntvrrrz,E. pisciformisKryss,E. stellata Ma,rNx and. E. viridisEHRENB. The great genetic difIerence reveal the boundańes among hitherto described species whose definitions involve morphological criteria only. An exception is a pair of species: E. viridis and E. stellata. These two morphologically similar species proved to be also genetically alike - more alike than any other pair of clones representing another species. A high degree of DNA variabilĘ was observed among clones representing strains ofE. gracilis Ktr-ss' That variabiliĘ is not, however, reflected in morphology Long-term maintenance of cultures of E. gracilis strains on qłnthetic media apparently does not influence the level of their genetic variability. t is much the same for the strains isolated from natural populations. The present work is the third of series in wbich morphological studies for some Euglena species were complemented with molecular data and computer data analyses.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)51-79
Number of pages29
JournalArchiv fur Hydrobiologie
Issue number86
Publication statusPublished - 1997
Externally publishedYes


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