The Use of Sideline Video Review to Facilitate Management Decisions Following Head Trauma in Super Rugby (vol 4, 20, 2018)

Andrew J. Gardner, Ryan Kohler, Warren McDonald, Gordon W. Fuller, Ross Tucker, Michael Makdissi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In the original article [1] reference was made to the Hawk-Eye system having been used as the sideline operating system during the 2015 season. This reference was inaccurate; the data included in this study came from either commercial or non-commercial video systems used at the matches played during the 2015 season. The Hawk-Eye system is mentioned on two occasions in the article: 1) The Procedures section (p2, column 2) states: “The Hawk-Eye system (Hawk-Eye SMART productions) was used for matches in the current study; however, this was not available at any of the matches played in South Africa during the 2015 season.” This sentence should read: “Either commercial or non-commercial video systems were used for matches in the current study; however, these were not available at any of the matches played in South Africa during the 2015 season.” 2) The Analyses section (p3, column 1) states: “Thirdly, the effectiveness of sideline video review for identifying HIEs was evaluated by comparing the number of additional HIEs detected on retrospective post-season review between matches with and without the Hawk-Eye system available.” This sentence should read: “Thirdly, the effectiveness of sideline video review for identifying HIEs was evaluated by comparing the number of additional HIEs detected on retrospective post-season review between matches with and without the sideline video system available.”

Original languageEnglish
Article number54
Pages (from-to)1-8
Number of pages8
JournalSports Medicine - Open
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2018


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