The use of social media in internal marketing communication: a case study of - an Internet Company in China

Jing Ge, Raechel JOHNS

Research output: A Conference proceeding or a Chapter in BookConference contributionpeer-review

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Seven individuals from were interviewed to explore the use of social media in
internal marketing communications. Results show that the development of internal
communication capability through using social media tools is effective and necessary. This is
demonstrated by a company’s development of a favourable communication climate with its
employees, and effective communications between managers and their subordinates. This
effective internal communication has been achieved through Weibo, China’s answer to Twitter,
due to the absence of Facebook and Twitter in China. The primary barriers of using social media
stem from concerns regarding confidentiality and sensitive topics being communicated in virtual
sphere. Recommendations have subsequently been made to overcome these barriers. The insights
shared by participants from shed light on the new area of internal marketing
communications. Moreover, the insights also help practitioners to understand and apply social
media practices in achieving an effective internal communication performance
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAcademy of Marketing Conference
EditorsAnne Marie Doherty
Place of PublicationCardiff, Wales
PublisherUniversity of South Wales
Number of pages7
ISBN (Print)9781909838000
Publication statusPublished - 2013
EventAcademy of Marketing: Marketing Relevance - Cardiff, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Duration: 8 Jul 201311 Jul 2013


ConferenceAcademy of Marketing
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
OtherIn 2013, the University of South Wales hosted the Academy of Marketing Conference in Cardiff. The theme of the conference was Marketing Relevance which explored the relevance of marketing within the broader disciplinary agenda, as well as academic marketing’s relevance to practice. As marketing academics strive to publish in the higher ranked journals, increasingly they are returning to mother disciplines in Management, History, Geography, Psychology, Sociology and other areas. At the same time, the impact agenda with its focus on practice is an increasingly important challenge. How is Marketing as an academic subject area rising to these challenges and making itself relevant in an ever changing dynamic environment?Cardiff provided the exciting location where we explored these themes and challenges. Hosted by the University of South Wales, the conference took place in one of our constituent colleges, the prestigious Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, situated in the heart of the city, close to Cardiff Castle, the National Museum, City Hall and overlooking Bute Park
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