Traffic Offloading 3-Tiered SDN Architecture for DenseNets

Kumudu S. Munasinghe, Ibrahim Elgendi, Abbas Jamalipour, Dharmendra Sharma

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12 Citations (Scopus)


Fifth generation (5G) cellular networks demand high throughput with low levels of delay and congestion within the core network. Excessive throughput demands at the core network with the exponential increase in the number of mobile users and devices have become major challenges for 5G. Several techniques have been developed for offloading traffic at the front line of cellular networks. For example, Local IP access (LIPA) and selective IP traffic offload (SIPTO) are current data offloading technologies. In this article, we propose femtocell IP access (FIPA) and selective local controller traffic offloading (SLCTO) technique to offload traffic at the edge of the cellular network without forwarding it through the core network. Our proposed FIPA and SLCTO technologies rely on our previously proposed 3-Tiered software defined networking (SDN) architecture for dense networks (DenseNets). According to our simulations, FIPA and SLCTO over a 3-Tiered SDN architecture outperform existing offloading techniques with low delay, high throughput, and low cost.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7934274
Pages (from-to)56-62
Number of pages7
JournalIEEE Network
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2017


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