TRUE: an Online Testing Platform for Multimedia Evaluation

Santiago Planet, Ignasi Iriondo, Elisa MARTINEZ MARROQUIN, Jose Antonio Montero

    Research output: A Conference proceeding or a Chapter in BookConference contributionpeer-review


    TRUE (Testing platfoRm for mUltimedia Evaluation) is an online platform developed to create and perform subjective tests oriented to the evaluation of stimuli of different nature such as audio, video, graphics and text. Due to the high flexibility that the platform offers to researchers different kinds of tests can be carried out, such as emotion identification or quality assessment of synthesis systems, among others. The results can be used for different purposes depending on the research goals, e.g. to validate the emotional content of
    multimedia data of a corpus or to measure the expressivity of synthesized elements. TRUE involves all the stages related to the tests lifecycle, from their creation to the results retrieval, and allows the evaluators to answer the tests using any computer with an Internet connection. Making things easy for evaluators helps to minimize negative effects of fatigue, but also allows researchers to focus their efforts on the analysis of the tests results rather than on the supervision.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationLREC 2008 Proceedings
    Place of PublicationMarrakech, Marocco
    PublisherLanguage Resources and Evaluation
    Number of pages5
    Publication statusPublished - May 2008
    EventLanguage Resources and Evaluation Conference 2008 - Marrakech, Morocco
    Duration: 26 May 20081 Jun 2008


    ConferenceLanguage Resources and Evaluation Conference 2008
    Abbreviated titleLREC 2008
    Internet address


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