Understanding CSR: an empirical study of private regulation

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This article is a study of an important burgeoning form of regulation - private self-regulation - in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility ('CSR). Rather than taking a purely theoretical approach or a social scientific study relying on publicly reported data, the article addresses the issue by way of interview-based case studies. As a study in regulation it clarifies the difference between various types of self-regulation, trade associations' codes as private self-regulation and government sponsored self-regulation. This distinction hampers efforts to understandt he important aspects of motivation and compliance. This study provides an empirical examination of compliance in private self-regulation. Given the impact and reach of muitinational companies ('Nst as5 ' we! las ti cutUies associated with regulating them through hard law, the necessity of effective CSR becomes paramount. CSR is a global movement of self-regulation utilised by MNCs with decidedly mixed outcomes. This study shows how private self-regulation can work by leveraging the personal motivation of employed managers educated in CSR and given discretion to pursue important social ends, particularly in conjunction with their communities.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)103-127
Number of pages25
JournalMonash University Law Review
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Externally publishedYes


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