Using practice theory to analyse value propositions and value facilitation in self-reliance training


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This paper analyses how a transformative service provider delivers self-reliance training in an attempt to improve well-being. The training process is examined for value propositions and value facilitation from the production phase of value creation in service-dominant (SD) logic. The analysis of value creation is supported by practice theory, which has become influential in literature on SD logic. More specifically, the paper utilises the concepts of field, habitus, and practice from Bourdieu's theory of practice. The analysis demonstrates that the service provider attempts to embed value in the value production phase, firstly by situating practices within the broader field of self-reliance to emphasise its benefits, and secondly by introducing key aspects of the self-reliant habitus which are important for improving one's well-being.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)181-192
Number of pages12
JournalInternational Journal of Services, Economics and Management
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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