Using simulation-based learning to enhance students’ knowledge and confidence in clinical skills

Minh Chau

Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting Abstractpeer-review


In medical radiation education, students learn and develop theoretical concepts and decision-making skills in the classroom setting. In the ideal world, students will further develop these capabilities in a fast-paced clinical environment. However, this experiential learning opportunity depends heavily on the ‘right place and time’ and patient presentations.

Simulations, or problem-based learning addresses this challenge by offering students unique, structured, and non-threatening learning opportunities where they can practice their clinical skills and develop their understanding. Students are also introduced to realistic clinical environments where radiography images or computed tomography scans can be produced without the use of ionising radiation. These simulations add another layer to the student’s learning environment where they can apply complex theories and participate in scenarios that mimic clinical experiences. In today’s pedagogy, simulated learning is no longer a new trend in higher education.1 It is often an integral component in healthcare education that comes in varying forms, including computer, and cloud-based techniques.1

This presentation provides perspectives from the tertiary educator and the students on simulation-based education. This includes discussions on the use of virtual radiography and cloud-based computed tomography software in medical radiation science courses. Student feedback indicates that simulation-based learning can enhance students’ medical radiation knowledge and improve their confidence in clinical skills.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3-79
JournalJournal of Medical Radiation Sciences
Issue numberS1
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2021
Externally publishedYes


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