A case study of attempts to change the range of educational alternatives in a provincial city

  • Rex Ennis

    Student thesis: Master's Thesis


    This study is an attempt to share with others, the experiences of two people who have worked to extend the range of choices in the provisions for schooling in a small provincial city. As experienced teachers as well as parents we felt that the provision of choice was essential if quality and involvement were to be increased. We were concerned both about our own children and about schooling in general. What follows is a case study of our efforts. It is a personal account of the events, the problems and the successes and failures. Although an attempt has been made to see these events clearly, to describe them as they happened, it is quite definitely written from our own point of view. In writing this account there has been a need for selectivity in regard to specific details and emphasis. The study sets out to provide sufficient detail to explain the processes involved without intruding too far into individual personalities and attitudes. Nevertheless, these events involve actual people and readers will form their own impressions. Since one of the important factors in attempts to bring about this sort of change is the personalities of the persons involved, the details are important. The writing of the study will have been worthwhile if the experiences offered here help readers gain insight into their own involvement in bringing about change or increase their awareness of the need for careful planning as well as commitment. If it poses further questions and reactions we would be delighted to hear them. Throughout the study I have used the collective "we" to signify both my wife and myself. On occasions indicated, the "we" included a variety of other people. A Chronology of Events (see Appendix A, page 64) is included since events referred to in separate chapters were occurring simultaneously. It should also be stressed that although the account ends at a certain point our activities continue.
    Date of Award1978
    Original languageEnglish

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