An evaluation of systematic training in effective parenting : a pilot study

  • Margaret Norington

    Student thesis: Master's Thesis


    The purpose of this study was to assess the immediate and
    delayed effectiveness of Systematic Training for Effective
    Parenting (STEP), an Adlerian-based parent study group
    programme. STEP is a nine-session, multi-media package
    which combines communication skills with basic Adlerian
    principles. The focus of the study was the parents. The
    dependent variables were: parents' perceptions of their
    Target Children's behaviour; parents' knowledge of an
    Adlerian approach to child-rearing; and parental perceptions
    of their own behaviour and feelings.
    Measurement of the dependent variables was by the use of
    the following instruments: the Adlerian Parent Assessment
    of Child Behavior Scale (APACBS), a 32-item interval scale
    developed to assess parents' perceptions of typical child
    behaviours dealt with in the STEP programme; the STEP
    Questionnaire, a cognitively-based questionnaire based on
    the content component of the STEP programme; and individual
    interviews held with the mothers in the Experimental (STEP)
    Group. The Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design was used
    in the study. Both the parents in the STEP and Control
    Groups were either clients or potential clients of an
    Educational Clinic, or had been referred by a School
    The STEP programme was run with strict adherence to materials
    and format by the researcher. Measurements were taken
    immediately following the completion of the programme and
    again 14 weeks later.
    Results indicated significant positive short- and long-term
    changes in parental perceptions of their children's
    behaviour as measured by APACBS after involvement in a
    STEP programme. Short- and long-term changes also occurred
    in the parents' knowledge of an Adlerian approach to childrearing
    as measured by the STEP Questionnaire. The STEP
    Group mothers reported changes in their behaviour and
    feelings following participation in a STEP programme.
    Some recommendations for further research are: replication
    of the study with various populations; studies measuring
    actual observed behaviour of the child, and the parent;
    effects of STEP as a minor strand or part of an ongoing
    parent education programme; the effects of varying levels
    of skills of leaders; and the incorporation of video
    cassette recordings of the audio tapes in the STEP kit.
    Date of Award1983
    Original languageEnglish

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