Error analysis and English language teaching in Vietnam

  • Nguyen Thi Thom

    Student thesis: Master's Thesis


    This field study report covers four major areas
    1. Error analysis in language teaching and learning and its procedures
    2. The relevance of error analysis to the teaching of English as a foreign language in the Vietnamese situation
    3. Analysis of errors made by Vietnamese speakers
    4. The use of error analysis in teaching English to Vietnamese speakers.
    Error analysis can be a useful adjunct to second language teaching, since it serves two related but distinct functions: the one, practical and applied in everyday teaching, and the other, theoretical, leading to a better understanding of the second language learning acquisition process.
    This study emphasizes the practical uses of error analysis in teaching and correction techniques, materials development and syllabus design. It is hoped that error analysis will make some contribution to the teaching of English as a foreign language to Vietnamese speakers, whose language is quite different from English and whose culture is far from being similar to that of English native speakers.
    This study is aimed at helping Vietnamese teachers of English to change their attitude to students’ errors and see them in a more positive way, rather than as signs of failure on the students’ part. It is suggested that a teacher of English must be able to recognize errors when they occur, to form some idea of the kind of error made and also why they occur. Finally, he must then be able to draw from the analysis thus made, some conclusions as to what and how he should teach.

    Date of Award1985
    Original languageEnglish

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