Financial investment in natural gas infrastructure, natural gas regulation and competition : the Australian experience in international perspective

  • José Alberto Hernández Ibarzábal

    Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


    This is a study about financial investment in natural gas infrastructure in relation to other factors, such as regulatory independence, competition, clearly defined political constraints, stable energy and regulatory policies and availability of energy resources. This doctoral thesis develops a model to analyse the impact of the interaction of each of these factors on financial investment in natural gas infrastructure. The main objectives are: 1) To develop a model to study financial investment in natural gas infrastructure that could be used in other case studies; 2) To contribute in these areas on a theoretical level; 3) To present a thorough case study following this model focused on financial investment in natural gas infrastructure, natural gas competition and regulation. The thesis will answer the following research question: under what conditions has the interaction of the general economic conditions, input markets, national and international experience, institutional conditions, regulatory governance, industry conditions and regulatory and energy policies attracted financial investment in natural gas infrastructure in Australia during the 2001-2011 period?
    Date of Award2012
    Original languageEnglish
    SupervisorRoger Wettenhall (Supervisor) & Anne Daly (Supervisor)

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