Professional development internship : Canadian Conservation Institute Ottawa, Canada

  • Therese Mulford

    Student thesis: Master's Thesis


    I have presented my dissertation in four specific parts as specified on page 2 of the “Guidelines For Internship Requirements of Master of Applied Science in Material Conservation”: Part I: Details of the programme of work carried out Part II: Description of the function and facilities of the Canadian Conservation Institute Part III: Details of conservation work carried out: Examination and Treatment Reports Part IV: A. Technical Training Sessions and Lectures, B. Visits to Conservation Laboratories, C. Visits to Cultural Institutions. Each part can be considered a separate unit and, therefore, the bibliography pertaining to each section follows it immediately, contrary to the usual format of being placed as an entire unit at the end of the dissertation. The use of photographic reproduction and official documentation is restricted for ethical, political, legal, security and other reasons (Appendix II). Therefore, limited photographic documentation is evident in the treatment reports presented. The CCI Examination and Treatment format did not comply with the size specifications for the dissertation. Therefore, it was not used. However, the following forms have been reduced and presented in Appendices III, IV and V: Request for Conservation Services, Request for Analytical Services and Time Log on Work for the National Museum of Man. In addition to the examination and treatment reports, I have chosen to include a literature survey of the tannic acid treatment for ferrous metals. The literature survey increased my understanding of the treatment.
    Date of Award1983
    Original languageEnglish

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