Relationships between phosphorus transport and stream flow

  • Hoong Cheong Chew

    Student thesis: Master's Thesis


    An earlier project funded by the Australian Water Resources Council had led to a substantial data set of phosphorus concentrations and flows being measured on the catchment draining to Lake Burley Griffin in Canberra. This data had been used to calculate exports for the phosphorus budget that was calculated for the lake ( Cullen, Rosich and Bek 1978), but it was appreciated that a more comprehensive analysis might further clarify the relationships between phosphorus concentration and stream flow. Consequently the project reported here has not involved the collection of any further ยท data, but rather was concerned to further analyse the existing data set to evaluate the various techniques used to relate concentrations and discharge in the computation of exports of phosphorus from land surfaces.
    Date of Award1984
    Original languageEnglish

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