This field study investigates the dissemination of an innovation through a descriptive analysis of the Structured Experiences for Use in the Classroom Project. Part I serves as an introduction to the field study and provides information about the role of the author in the Project, data collection methods and terminology used in the study. Part II provides a description of the operation of the Project and an analysis of the network of users of the innovation as well as some case studies of the users. Part III considers the operation of the Structured Experiences for Use in the Classroom Project in the light of the theory of the dissemination of innovations. This part also includes some conclusions about the theory and practice of the dissemination of innovations and raises implications for future practice and policy making. The Project team on the Structured Experiences for Use in the Classroom Project established a network of users of the innovation in order to further disseminate structured experiences and receive feedback on their use. The difficulties and the advantages of this approach are documented in the case studies in Part II. The conclusions from this field study raise questions and seek to indicate some directions in the areas of; the funding of projects, the styles of dissemination, the use of networks and the adoption of innovations.
Date of Award | 1979 |
Original language | English |
The dissemination of an innovation : the structured experiences for use in the classroom project
Watson, H. J. (Author). 1979
Student thesis: Master's Thesis