The "professionalisation" of politics : real change or conspiracy against the laity?

  • Michael Herron

    Student thesis: Master's Thesis


    … This paper will examine the roles of politicians in the modem Australian federal context to see if the harsh descriptions are warranted. The paper will develop a model which will focus upon the politician as being the hub of a number of systems, some of which may relate to one particular sphere of influence and others which, more typically, may have beneficial and/or detrimental results simultaneously in different spheres of influence. These "spheres of influence" may be broadly described as representative, party political, legislative and bureaucratic.
    It will also examine a model of remuneration and rewards for politicians and examine whether or not the model of political interaction is consistent with it. The implications for politicians in the modem era and the pressures on their behaviour in attempting to present a "professional" image in managing the conflicting interests of these spheres of influence will also be explored.
    Date of Award1993
    Original languageEnglish

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