Towards a syllabus for the teaching of writing for Vietnamese students

  • Vu Ngoc Tu

    Student thesis: Master's Thesis


    This Study considers some of the problems and solutions to the needs of Vietnamese tertiary students with respect to writing in English in the University setting. The Study identifies that writing English as a foreign language has been and continues to be a fundamental difficulty for Vietnamese tertiary students. Consequently, in order to understand the difficulty and the needs of such students, this Study enters into a consideration of the language and learning needs of the target population and describes the teaching strategy and syllabus content necessary to assist such students to function in English writing more adequately. In order to realise these aims, the Study reviews the relevant literature with respect to: (i) the development of the theory of the concept of writing in a foreign language, and (ii) the teaching of different foreign language teaching methods in the twentieth century. Finally, details of syllabus design and suggested techniques are presented in Appendices 1 and 2 respectively.

    Date of Award1985
    Original languageEnglish

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